Analyzing Task Analytics data in Google Analytics

Analyzing Task Analytics data in Google Analytics

You've finished the integration of Task Analytics and Google Analytics. Great! Now it's time to analyse the Task Analytics in Google Analytics. Create segments, filter data based on completion scores, segments or audiences. 

Google Analytics 3rd party Integration

After enabling the Google Analytics integration, you'll be able to track task & completion score in Google Analytics.
  • Task Analytics will send the selection task and it's completion score to Google Analytics once the user selected a task and has indicated being successful or not;
  • Currently, we're not sending other data besides task & completion score to Google Analytics;
  • If the user fills out the survey multiple times and/or uses the "previous"-button, Task Analytics will send the task and completion score once again;
  • Task Analytics cannot send data to Google Analytics retroactively. The data will be sent to Google Analytics starting from the moment you've activated the 3rd party integration;
  • If you change the name of a specific task, the name will also change accordingly. If you want to combine the old and new task name, you can use a regular expression to combine both tasks in the same segment or use the task ID that's added between brackets.
Create a segment with Task Analytics data. You can create segments based on tasks & completion scores.

Google Tag Manager Import container

if you're using the Google Tag Manager import container, the selected task, task completion rate and answers to all other questions will be stored as events in Google Analytics:
  • You'll start collecting data from the moment you've correctly installed the Google Tag Manager import container. Don't forget to change the default Universal Analytics Profile ID (UA-1234567-1) so data will be sent to your account.
  • Task Analytics cannot send data to Google Analytics retroactively. The event tracking will start as soon as you've activated the new tags in Google Tag Manager;
  • Events are triggered with every click. If the user uses the "Previous"-button and updates an answer, you end up with one user giving multiple answers for the same questions. This will not happen too often and you could filter those out based on the event value;
  • Every question and the answer related to this answer will be stored as a unique event. Changing the question itself doesn't affect the name of the card nor the way the card is stored as an event in Google Analytics.

    event category: Task Analytics
    event action: "What is the purpose of your visit?"
    event label: <the-name-of-the-selected-task>

  • If you're using category or demographic questions, the event action will be the question type. E.g. "segment", "audience", "follow-up", "free text", etc. If you're using multiple questions of the same type, the event action will include a number. For example "segment1", "segment2",...
  • Changing the text of specific questions options will change the way the options are stored in Google Analytics. If you are using Google Analytics segments and are filtering on specific questions options, be sure to update your segments. You can, for example, make a segment whereas you combine the old and the new questions open name in the same segment, so you can keep a segment regardless of changing questions options.
Example of a segment in Google Analytics whereas we're looking at current customers who were successful at finding product information

Want to understand exactly what data is sent to Google Analytics?
Want to understand exactly what data is sent to Google Analytics? We recommend using the "Google Analytics Debugger" Google Chrome extension. The extension prints useful information to the JavaScript console by enabling the debug version of the Google Analytics Javascript. More info & download
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