Multiple languages for your survey

Multiple languages for your survey

You can set up Task Analytics for multiple languages. The pop-up invitation will show all available languages for the visitor to choose from. View an example of a pop-up invitation with 2 languages (English and Norwegian).

How does the languages set-up work?

When creating a survey, you've set up a survey. This master survey could be in the language most used by your visitors. By adding additional translations, you’ll be adding a translation of your existing survey. In fact, Task Analytics sees this as exactly the same survey, regardless of language. This is done to ensure data is processed correctly. 

To illustrate this with an example:
You’ve got one survey set up in two languages: English and Norwegian. When adding an extra answer option for “What is the purpose of your visit?” in your Norwegian version, the answer option will also be added to your English version of the survey.
Pop-up invitation with English as the primary language and Norwegian as the secundairy language

Access the different language versions of my survey

If you have more than one language enabled, you’ll see the languages dropdown in your “Setup” > “Questions” page. This is the page where you design your survey, manage your answer options and define your question logic. You can select your language to see the survey design in that specific language.
Use the drop-down in the "Questions" page to manage the translation of the survey

Why translations of my survey are linked to each other

Translations of surveys are linked to each other because the results will end up in the same dashboard. It’s one and the same survey, regardless of the language the survey is in. You don’t want to have less or more tasks in one language than in the other.

Errors when forgetting to translate answer options
When adding answer options for questions in a specific language, you can experience issues with saving your survey. Errors prevent you from saving the survey. Check whether you’ve added the answer option in the other language(s) as well.

How do visitors encounter surveys in multiple languages

The invitation pop-up will show all available languages for visitors to choose from. 

Where can add or delete languages

To set the position of the popup:
  1. Select your survey
  2. Select “Setup” in the menu
  3. Select “Settings” in the sub-menu on the right side of the screen
  4. Scroll down until you see “Languages”
Set up languages for your survey under "Setup" > "Settings"

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