Reassign “Other” tasks

Reassign “Other” tasks

Sometimes you’ll find tasks in “Other” that are already in your task list. You can now reassign “Other”-tasks to an existing task. Completion score, task time and comments will be reassigned as well.

What is an “Other”-task?

If a user can’t find the reason for visiting the website in the list of predefined tasks, the “Other”-field can be filled out. This is an open text field that allows visitors to describe, in their own words, their reason for visiting.

+/-15% “Other” tasks

There’s an average of 15% “Other”-tasks, however, the percentage fluctuates per organization, based on audiences and the type of site you have. In general, the better and more thoroughly your task list is, the lower the percentage of the “Other”-task. It’s recommended to keep an eye on the task list and reassign to ensure your data quality.

Reassigning tasks

There will always be cases whereas the user will use a different word to describe a task that’s already defined in the list. Or even the same word. With the reassign option, you’ll be able to reassign the user input.

Manage your "Other" tasks

Discovery of a new task

The power of the Other-task lies within the potential of discovering new tasks. Maybe you’ll see a lot of user inputs that all relate to one and the same task: a task that currently isn’t on your list. You can add the task to your task list and reassign the related “Other”-tasks to this specific task. Your dashboard will be updated accordingly.

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