Only invite visitors on specific pages using trigger paths

Only invite visitors on specific pages using trigger paths

Use trigger paths to control on which specific URL paths the survey should show the survey invitation. This allows you to show the pop-up invitation on specific pages and/or exclude the pop-up invitation on specific pages.  This does not mean the survey will not run on other pages. The only affects the initial pop-up invitation; not the following dialogue boxes.

How can I add trigger paths

To enter trigger paths:
  1. Select your survey
  2. Select “Setup” in the menu
  3. Select “Settings” in the sub-menu on the right side of the screen
  4. Scroll down until you see “Survey triggering”

Set up trigger paths

Task Analytics checks if the URL the visitor is on contains the phrase you've added to your trigger path or exclude path. This does not work with regular expressions. For example:

If you have any problems with setting up your trigger paths, let us know. We're here to help.

How to test if your pattern is working?

You can check if the trigger paths is working by publishing the Task Analytics tag and activating your survey. Once done, you can visit your trigger paths to check whether the survey invitation will show. There's currently no other way to check if you've set up your trigger paths correctly.

When can I use the preview URL parameter?
You can use ?_tmcf to validate if your exclude paths are not working because the ?_tmcf will not work, even with ?_tmcf. But you can not use the ?_tmcf to validate if your trigger paths are working because the ?_tmcf will force a survey invite.

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