Cause and effect of your collection rate and the number of excluded days

Cause and effect of your collection rate and the number of excluded days

Cookie control allows you to set the collection rate and define the Exclude days. This is a very powerful feature can you adjust and tweak in order to maximize your response rate (and thus actionable insights). But this can also lead to unwanted effects, so it’s something you want to take into account.

Set the collection rate

You can set the collection rate to 100%. This means every visitor on your website will see the pop-up invitation. This will also mean there’s the potential of every visitor to:
  • Declining the invitation (by closing the pop-up or saying “no”)
    The result of which is the user will not see the pop-up again
  • Participating 
    The result of which is the user will not see the pop-up again

Set the exclude days

You can also set the exclude days. This setting will be used to set the number of days the Task Analytics pop-up invitation will not be shown after a visitor has interacted with the pop-up, either by declining to participate or by participating and finishing the survey.

Cause and effect

You publish Task Analytics on your website with only returning visitors. You’ve set the response rate to 100% and every visitor is responding on the first day by rejecting the invitation or by participating. This will result in the survey not being shown to any of your customers for the next 30 days, which is the standard number of exclude days set by Task Analytics. 

Cause and effect example
You publish Task Analytics on your website which has only returning visitors. You’ve set the response rate to 100% and every visitor is responding on the first day by rejecting the invitation or by participating. This will result in the survey not being shown to any of your customers for the next 30 days, which is the standard number of exclude days set by Task Analytics.

You’re going to see more visitors participating right after you go live, and less in the following weeks. This is because returning visitors who have interacted with the pop-up will not see the pop-up. More information on the Exclude days setting.

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